Andrea Dobson
Counseling psychologist/GZ psychologist
Andrea Dobson is a Registered Psychologist (HPCP) and a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. As a practising psychologist, Andrea specialised in depression and anxiety disorders, complex grief and worked for over a decade in Mental Health.
Andrea started working at Container Solutions (CS) in 2015 to expand their learning culture. This involved coaching, executive education and formalising the hiring process whilst expanding it to include psychometric testing. This work continued in 2017 when Andrea created CS’s leadership development programme. In 2018, Andrea started working for the Innovation Office working with Pini Reznik, the founder of Container Solutions, to link patterns of consumer behaviour with their latest product development efforts.
Past Activities
Code Mesh LDN 2018
13.30 - 14.15
Ethics in tech: a psychological perspective
Why do people behave unethically and what can we do about it? Andrea will do a deep dive into social psychology research on behaviour, ethics and company culture. What are the anti-patterns we should all avoid?
Most of the knowledge we have on Conformity and Obedience today come from Psychological experiments done in the 1950s and 1960 What do they mean in today’s society and what impact are they having on the choices we make? And are there things we can do about this?